Join our weekly Saturday ride with various routes, speeds, distances and destinations.
We ride a rotating pace line and emphasize traffic rules- stopping at stop signs, red lights, etc. We treat each other with respect and leave no man or woman behind.
But most importantly staying safe while having fun and exploring new areas! ! !
Pick a Group
14-16 mph (approx. 25-30 miles with a rest stop)
Don't know how to ride in a group?
No problem, No intimidation, No one left behind. . . EZ Breezy!!!
This is a great teaching group.
16-18 mph (approx. 30-35 miles with a rest stop)
18-20 mph (approx. 35-45 miles with a rest stop)
Planned routes for current weekend rides will be available on
Don't forget . . .
Saturday's are
We will NOW be enforcing MEMBERS ONLY RIDES.
If you have let your membership expire, please renew now. You will be allowed one ride as a visitor before membership is required.
JOIN or Renew
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